
Showing posts from May, 2016

Fat Loss: Why is it so slow?

Abdomen and Lower Body are two of the most common places where most individuals store body fat in addition to arms. While the density of fat stored by different individuals in different areas of the body varies, abdomen is the one that generally leads the way for most people. Although, there is no specific diet which has thus far been proven to reduce fat from any one area of the body, blindly following any random diet may do more harm than good for some. Reducing body weight itself is not difficult for most people, however keeping it off for the rest of their lives is the hard part. A majority of people losing weight have regained it back (some even more) after a few years. There has been some research showing that dieting often or a lot of times during a lifetime may result in a substantial gain in body fat percentage over the years. Reducing body fat percentage and keeping the fat off for a very long time requires good adherence and consistency. To know more about measuring

Cholesterol...Why does it matter?

Cholesterol management is in the prime of its popularity these days. With so much research done on cholesterol and the vast amounts of data available through various sources, managing cholesterol levels keeps on getting more and more difficult for some people. Some functions of cholesterol include aiding in formation of cell membranes, Vitamin D synthesis on skin, hormone production (sex hormone, etc.) among a host of other functions. High Cholesterol levels if left un-managed may lead to atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is usually measured in milligrams per deciliter i.e. mg/dl. Primarily affecting the human body through LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol) and Triglycerides, cholesterol management may be achieved through dietary strategies. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) is commonly referred to as the bad cholesterol as it can potentially clog the blood vessels and arteries leading to clots and obstruction on blood flow, which over a period of time may increase the risk of he

Cardio For Beginners

Cardiovascular exercises have always been the preferred choice for most of the fitness enthusiasts for losing those extra pounds weather they follow a fat loss program, weight loss program, conditioning program or some other fitness oriented approach. Popular mainly for its fat loss enhancement function and cardiovascular benefits these can be done in more than one ways as used to be the case some years ago. Different forms of cardio include, but are not limited to Low Intensity Steady State (LISS), Moderate Intensity Steady State (MISS) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). While LISS cardio; most commonly in the form of simple walking has undoubtedly gathered the greatest popularity mainly due to the ease of performing it, good tolerance among varied age groups from young to old irrespective of gender and no need for any special equipment other than free space;  new age equipment such as treadmills, stationary bikes and the cross trainer deserve their fair share of liking a