Revisiting Myths: Lemon with Warm Water and Fat Loss

Lemon with warm water has for long been considered as the secret ingredient for losing belly fat. I’ve heard of countless people resort to drinking water with lemon first thing in the morning with the intension of reducing their waist line, over the years. Now if this was to done to say, detoxify the body or increase Vitamin C intake I could understand. However, losing belly fat is just not one of the primary benefits of consumption of water+lemon either in the morning or at any other time of the day.

If you are already in a calorie deficit and consuming lemon water, you would lose fat, however the fat loss is coming primarily from the lowered calorie intake and not the lemon water. Lemon water is a good source of Vitamin C which may boost immunity. If you consume lemon water first thing in the morning, it is going to do exactly what it should, supply the body with Vitamin C.

Losing fat from any one specific area of the body usually does not happen. When on a fat loss program, body fat may be lost faster from some areas of the body as opposed to others. If body fat does go down so should body weight. However, if someone is doing strength training then it may happen in certain cases that body weight remains same, fat mass reduces equal to increase in lean body mass. However this is very rare.

A fully balanced diet and exercise program are a good place to begin for a fat loss goal. Eating slightly lower than the recommended daily calorie intake for a predetermined period of time is usually followed. Some factors which may affect fat loss include current weight, current body fat percentage, gender, medical/health status, nutrient deficiencies, energy expenditure, etc.

To lose 1 pound (0.5 kg) of fat a calorie deficit of 3500 calories is enough. This calories deficit may be created weekly by going 500 calories below maintenance levels daily (for weekly weight loss) or going 800 - 900 calories below maintenance each week (for monthly weight loss). Time frame for weight loss is a highly individual decision. Usually having a large enough time period of 6 to 12 weeks is preferred over a smaller time frame of 1 to 4 weeks mainly due to health risks of rapid weight loss.

Reducing body weight itself is not difficult for most people, however keeping it off for the rest of their lives is the hard part. A majority of people losing weight have regained it back (some even more) after a few years.

Exercise also has a positive impact on fat loss if done correctly. Some examples of exercises for fat loss include:
  1. Strength Training 3–5x/week.
  2. Low intensity cardio (walking, etc) 5–6x/week.
  3. HIIT cardio 2–4x/week.
  4. Playing any sport few times per week.
Another important factor for fat loss is water intake. While most people do assume that they take in enough water, it may or mat not be sufficient for them.If you have never had abs before then it may take a little longer to achieve it.

Note:Before starting/changing an exercise, dietary and supplementation program consult a qualified doctor/health care professional.


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