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Online Coaching (Workout and Nutrition)

Keshav started on his fitness journey like most others do, with the aim to lose just a few inches off his waist, however little did he know that it would soon become just more than an hour that he spent in the gym trying out different workout programs. From having tried and failed at random workout programs that led to an endless pursuit of self-education and a hunger for knowledge, Keshav found his passion in helping others who are or at some point were, stuck in their respective fitness journeys. Over the past couple of years, he’s helped people reach their fitness goals be it losing weight, building muscle, increasing strength, becoming more flexible or simply improving endurance and stamina by educating, providing unique fitness programming and systematic communication with all his clients. Keshav takes only selected clients who have a desire to become fit and healthy, not just on the outside, making sure that every single client is coached personally and not through ass

Can we reduce body fat without reducing body weight?

Every time we step on a weighting scale to check our weight, we see a number which shows us the total body weight. For the sake of this post, I'll be using the following equation:  Body Weight = Fat Weight + Lean Body Weight To know more about Lean Body Weight and Fat Weight click  here . In simple words, it is possible to lose body fat without losing body weight, with the assumption that the lean body weight also increases roughly by the same amount as body fat reduces. Now if the change in body fat (decrease) is unequal to the change in lean body weight (increase), body weight will change. This change in body weight will be dependent on the relative changes in either body fat or lean body weight or both. There can be several reasons for losing inches from the waist or a reduction in body fat without seeing any change in body weight. Some reasons are listed below: Reduction in body fat with a roughly equal increase in lean body mass. If you’re not doing wei

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green Tea has gathered a lot of attention in recent years as a weight loss product. Is it really beneficial for weight reduction and losing those extra inches off your waist. Lets take a look. First of all, have you ever seen any green tea product in the market which has specifically mentioned on their packaging that consuming green tea reduces belly fat. Chances are that you won't find any brand that says so. If you do, please send me a picture of it as well. Now, I’m talking about regular green tea here, prepared in hot water and not the supplemental form that comes as a pill. Weight loss happens because of being in a calorie deficit i.e. consuming less calories than required for body weight maintenance. Most weight loss plans range from 2 - 6 months, which require complete dedication and consistency to successfully achieve a target weight. So, to answer this question, green tea prepared in hot water will not aid in belly fat reduction or weight loss or fat loss, if yo

Best Indian Weight Loss Diet!!!

I get asked about the best “Indian” weight loss diet a lot these days. Here’s my answer for that question: Well, if there was such a thing as “The Best Indian Weight Loss Diet” wouldn't every Indian be on it. Who want to be overweight, fatigued, fat and unfit anyway. If the best weight loss diet actually existed everyone would be fit, toned, muscular and healthy. To put the entire weight loss philosophy into a simple equation, I would say: Weight Loss = Calorie Deficit i.e. consuming less calories than for weight maintenance Thats it. No hidden secrets, no false hopes and certainly no absurd food choices. If your unaware about your current calorie intake, calculate that first. It can be done using a food tracker app on the smart phone. MyFitnessPal is a good one. Then balance out for appropriate ratios of protein, carbs, fats and fiber. Reduce intake and be consistent. Drink plenty of water and follow a well balanced exercise program. This is as simple as it g


For those of us, who swear by lifting a loaded barbell be it for achieving a personal fitness goal, preparing for a competition, or simply to look a little leaner and muscular, creatine is one supplemental product that catches our attention even before the session gets over. Now, I’m certainly not here to debate weather it should be in your monthly supplement shopping list, simply because not everyone will benefit from it, but is has become a staple complementing my post workout shake. If your already eating loads of red meat almost every day, creatine may or may not show any positive results for you. However, for some like me, who’s primarily getting in calories from a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, creatine can do wonders. So, what is creatine : In simple terms, creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid which is a naturally produced in the human body from L-arginine, glycine and methionine (amino acids). Chemically, creatine is represented as C4H9N3O2. Its primary function is to supp

Preserving Muscle on a Fat Loss Phase: Its Possible, Just Not For Everyone!

Reducing fat without losing muscle is quite tricky and if you're trying to do it for the first time, chances are its going to be really difficult. This is because there are lots of processes going on inside the body at any random time. Fat loss or even muscle gain is not like an ON-OFF switch that you shift from one goal to the other in an instant. Lots of bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts take years figuring out how to manipulate certain dietary and exercise parameters so that they can preserve their hard earned muscle while on a fat loss diet. Following are certain general guidelines that can be helpful: Monitor your calorie, macro, water intake regularly. Calculating Current Macros and Calories Do not reduce or play with sodium intake. It can be quite unrewarding. Train hard, with a good split. This does not mean go nuts every time you're in the gym. Get enough deep quality sleep. Sometimes even twice a day, if you need it. Reduce calorie as and when needed. D

Building the Shoulders

The Deltoids a.k.a shoulders are probably that one group of muscles that get worked in a lot of exercises (although not to a significant degree as isolating them would). For example, doing the bench press (flat or incline) works the anterior or front delt. Horizontal rowing to chest as in cable or machine rows works the rear delts also. The deltoid muscles comprises of three heads i.e.  anterior (front) ,  lateral (side/middle)  and  posterior (rear) . If you look at the composition and growth potential of these three muscles on any advanced and competitive bodybuilder whose already in possession of those rounded shoulders you may notice that its the  Lateral (middle) debt  that brings out the developed and rounded look. The does not mean that the other two shoulder muscles don't have an impact but rather that, focusing on lateral shoulders exercises such as  lateral dumbbell/cable/machine raises  must be performed with slightly more volume than front and rear shoulder exercise