Best Indian Weight Loss Diet!!!

I get asked about the best “Indian” weight loss diet a lot these days. Here’s my answer for that question:

Well, if there was such a thing as “The Best Indian Weight Loss Diet” wouldn't every Indian be on it. Who want to be overweight, fatigued, fat and unfit anyway. If the best weight loss diet actually existed everyone would be fit, toned, muscular and healthy.

To put the entire weight loss philosophy into a simple equation, I would say:

Weight Loss = Calorie Deficit i.e. consuming less calories than for weight maintenance

Thats it. No hidden secrets, no false hopes and certainly no absurd food choices.

If your unaware about your current calorie intake, calculate that first. It can be done using a food tracker app on the smart phone. MyFitnessPal is a good one.

Then balance out for appropriate ratios of protein, carbs, fats and fiber.

Reduce intake and be consistent. Drink plenty of water and follow a well balanced exercise program. This is as simple as it gets.

And the most important point, have an end date in mind. Weight loss diets generally run from 1 - 8 months on a stretch, depending on how much weight you have to lose. Some can even take a little over a year or two.

Here are some posts of mine that you can refer, to read more about losing body fat:

My Top 5 Weight Loss Tips

Cardio For Beginners

How To Calculate Your Calorie Intake

Reducing Intake for Fat Loss

Note: Before starting/changing an exercise, dietary and/or supplementation program consult a qualified doctor/health care professional.


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