Protein Intake: How much and a little more

How much protein should I consume is probably the first question that comes to mind when starting a strength based fitness program. It is not uncommon for people to remain confused about protein consumption even after they get the right answer. There has been too much negative vibe created towards protein by the so called experts that protein consumption is now looked upon as a pathway to ill health and disease.

During my school life I heard many stories about the local akaharas (local gyms) where the pahalwan's (wrestlers/athletes) drank literally gallons of milk and chugged down bowls of ghee (clarified butter) each day. At that time there were no packets of low fat or fat free milk available. Assuming that they drank nearly 2 liters of milk (it could be more or even less) it amounts to approximately 60 grams of protein. Of course this was not the only thing they consumed, considering a typical Indian diet comprising of dal (lentils/beans), roti (whole wheat), rice, fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking oil, etc. a rough estimate for a vegetarian pahalwan's (wrestlers/athletes) would come somewhere around 100 grams par day. For non vegetarian pahalwan's (wrestlers/athletes) it may even surpass this 100 gram mark. Keep in mind they they trained for most part of the day, sweated a lot, weighted heavier than the common man and may have even been genetically gifted. Health care and nutrition awareness was minimal at that time.

Coming back to today, most people are sedentary throughout the day. The little physical activity they do is limited unlike the old days when people walked to complete any chores each day. So, how is all this related to my protein intake might be the question coming in mind at this time. Well for starters, protein intake has a lot of dependency on activity levels, body weight, medical/health status and calorie intake. It is for these factors and some others also, that generalizing protein intake and giving a quantitative figure as to how much protein should be consumed each day may not be helpful for everyone. A sedentary individual may need a lot less protein than a strength athlete. Similarly, an endurance athlete will have his/her protein intake different from a competitive bodybuilder.  The first step towards determining protein intake is to get a medical check up and blood test assessment done by a qualified doctor to check for any medical/heath issues.

Bodybuilders and strength athletes usually consume protein anywhere between 0.8 gram per pound to 1.2 gram per pound of body weight per day. This figure is highly debatable as there are some athletes who consume even less than this amount and get great results, while some consume more than this. Adding more confusion to this is the goal one may have such as fat loss, muscle gain, etc. Consuming too much protein may not only be dangerous but unnecessary as well. There certainly is an upper limit for protein. In any case, while building muscle, carbohydrates are the one that are usually kept high and protein at a moderate level.

Note: Before starting/changing an exercise and/or dietary/supplementation program consult a qualified doctor/health care professional.


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