Top 3 Things Women Are Doing Wrong For Losing Weight

Hi. Its been a while since I last posted. Without wasting any more time I want to dive into a topic that is some what controversial but outright confusing and misunderstood, especially by women. First of all to get the basics straight, weight loss = calorie deficit i.e. consuming less calories than maintenance levels for a specific period of time. Similarly, Sustained Weight Loss = Calorie Deficit + Exercise. Now, if you're one of those who specifically dislike exercise such as weight training, etc. and would prefer to be in a weight loss phase counting solely on reducing food intake, this post is not for you. However, if you're the kind that is ready to start on their weight loss plan and are willing to include some sort of exercise few times per week do read on as I'll be covering three points that I've come across in my career which cause the biggest hurdle for women aiming to lose weight and become fitter.

  1. Under-eating: Well, I just mentioned above the losing weight is directly linked to a reduced calorie intake, so how does under eating become an issue. If this just popped into your mind, let me clear one thing, a calorie deficit is calculated based on your current/maintenance calorie intake. But, under eating on the other hand is something people just jump down to and totally ignore their current/maintenance intake. I have so far not seen anyone calculate anything before they randomly start under eating, after a night out with the girls. And after a fews days, some of them just lose out and binge eat their refrigerator (if you know what I mean). Severe calorie restriction in an unplanned manner along with the lack of healthy food choices would clearly cause a rebound hormonal response making one end up with more weight on their body than before. Now, if you're one of those exceptions that can eat whatever they want, whenever they want and still not gain a pound a.k.a blessed with a naturally high metabolism, its highly unlikely that you would be able to relate to someone who gains weight simply by looking at the cheese cake. So, before you go all commando and declare war on food, take time out and figure out your current calorie and macro nutrient intake. The rest as we know it, is all about managing that calorie reduction along with having an end date in mind for the diet to stop. You can refer to Calorie and Macro Calculation More on Fat Loss Reducing Calories For Fat Loss for more on calories. 
  2. Cardio: So, calories are covered now, but why is cardio on this list. Isn't cardio is good type of exercise that would help with weight loss? Ahh, well, it would certainly help with creating a calorie deficit by increasing the energy expenditure through physical activity. However, my issue with cardio is not about that, but rather its misuse or more so overuse. I've seen two things happen after a long-sweaty-low intensity-cardio a.k.a walking session which is people choosing foods high in sugar and fats, the unhealthy ones with the trans fats. Now, by people I mean all those who do not have a clue about fitness and the foods that go with it. If you're doing really long sessions of low intensity cardio, and see a reduction of your Lean Body Mass instead of your fat mass, now would be a good time to re-evaluate your goals and the ways to achieve them. Something better than low intensity cardio is HIIT. You can learn more about cardio here Cardio For Beginners . A better alternative would be to perform weight training or rather strength training combined with a couple of cardio sessions per week. For all those of you who are well above the age of 60 or have some pre-existing joint/health issues, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting this. 
  3. Taste: No, I'm not referring here to ignoring taste and going all out on that boiled and bland vegetables. Most women, at least the ones I've coached, tend to have a sweet spot of tasty food and drinks. Its not a bad habit, just that, while you're on a lowered calorie intake, it is going to become tough to fit in all that tasty, finger licking foods everyday. On top of that you have your fitness coach telling you to choose fiber dense foods over the higher glycemic ones, takes cravings to an all time high. If you're starting a weight loss diet or are in the middle of one, just don't prioritise taste over the weight loss itself. Most weight loss diets will last less than a year, if you can control your taste buds for a few months, everything else on the diet becomes easy. Choose food wisely, use spices for flavouring and don't think about choosing a weight loss diet solely if it tastes good. You're in the process of becoming fitter than before and not learning to become a chef (or so I assume). 

Well, there it all goes, the above mentioned three points for managing weight loss and the obstacles it presents. There are numerous other factors that can impact a weight loss program, however for now I'll leave it here. Comment in the comment section of the blog about what you've experienced as the biggest hurdle for you while losing weight.

Note:Before starting/changing an exercise, dietary and supplementation program consult a qualified doctor/health care professional. 


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