Carb Tolerance

Carbohydrate is one of the three macro nutrients, with the other two being protein and fat. While for protein and fat questions like minimum amount, maximum amount etc. do come up, very rarely are these associated with carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates is also the one food that is readily available for consumption. The type, quantity and timing of carbohydrates may have a major impact while on a fitness program. Tolerance for carbohydrates is a highly individual factor. While complex carbohydrates (especially fiberous carbohydrates) maybe beneficial for almost all and can be included as part of most dietary strategies, simple carbohydrates such as simple sugars may pose as a major obstacle in the path of certain fitness goals. Carbohydrate tolerance is mainly evaluated on an individual's capability to efficiently utilize carbohydrates (the simple sugars) for daily energy needs/expenditure rather than holding on to it by storing it as fat for later use.

Lean individuals generally have a higher tolerance for carbohydrates than individuals with a higher body fat percentage. For those who face a tough time when it comes to carbohydrate tolerance, consuming simple sugars either intra or post workout may be a better option than consuming it at any other time of the day.

Note: Before starting/changing an exercise and/or dietary/supplement program consult a qualified doctor/health care professional.


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