Long Term Goals vs Short Term Gains

When starting a fitness program, having specific goals helps a lot. With goals we can focus on attaining a clear objective. The more specific and realistic a goal, the higher is the possibility of achieving it. On a fitness program it may also happen that we lose focus from our goal due to some reason. Having a deadline and writing down goals may prove to be helpful for this.

Goals may wary between a short-term one ranging anywhere from few weeks to few months and long-term ones extending to multiple years. While making a fitness goal is an individualistic decision, it may be beneficial to not make compromises for short term gains. Short term fixes like crash dieting, extremely low calorie diets, performance enhancers, etc while providing immediate results may compromise long term health and well being.

Goals such as losing weight, gaining weight, improving strength, etc. are some of the most common fitness goals we hear off. There are numerous examples of people achieving these goals at various levels with significantly varying time duration. Simply because it may take someone more time than others for achieving their goal is not a reason to get demotivated, discouraged or impatient. Quitting or resorting to shortcuts is also not a good option.

Note: Before starting/changing an exercise and/or dietary/supplement program consult a qualified doctor/health care professional.


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